UsChina Shipping|Basic guide for importing and shipping from China

Customs Clearance

Customs clearance All people and products entering the US must be cleared for entry by Customs before exiting a bonded Customs...

Chargeable weight, volumetric weight, actual weight(air shipping and courier)

Chargeable weight, volumetric weight, actual weight(air shipping and courier) In air shipping and courier, the chargeable weight is...

Common Shipping Terminology

Common Shipping Terminology There are some common shipping terminologies you need to understand when importing and shipping from...

Bill of Lading

What is BILL OF LADING (B/L) Bill of Lading, abbreviated as B/L. Issued by carrier, it is a negotiable instrument and serves the 3 purposes...

Shipping Documents

Shipping documents/Shipping paperwork As you would’ve probably expected shipping comes with a fair share of paperwork, below are the basic...

What to consider prior to importing shipping from China

What to consider prior to importing shipping from China As an importer, there are many considerations when sourcing goods from China....

A Complete Guide, Sea Freight & Shipping from China

A Complete Guide, Sea Freight & Shipping from China Sea freight shipping from China is perceived as a major hassle when...

 Shipping from China